Sunday, January 14, 2007

Double shot carmel frappacino with extra whip cream asap!

Good morning ya'll. It is the morning after my 7 year olds slumber party with 5 other girls. Thank God I could send my other kids to spend the night. Mr even when to Dudette's house, which Mikey was not liking but I so was! It wouldn't have been so bad but I forgot to take into consideration that Munchkin would be up literally every hour. At about 4 this morning I was begging her to eat more then an ounce so she would sleep longer then 45 minutes. Yeah, now that the rest of the girls are wide awake and ready to continue the party, she is sound asleep. brat. It was a good time for 411 though, they got to make their own pizza's (frozen dinner rolls thawed and flatened make the perfect size crust), played with all her loot, had cake, watched movies and ate pocorn and mini chocolate bars. There were only 2 that pushed it till one am, they got the I am going to sleep and so are you talk. Amazingly, they were both crashed 5 minutes later.

[N]o party is any fun unless seasoned with folly. ~Desiderius Erasmus

1 comment:

Wendy said...

add that to a side of prozac and that is how i would have survived the slumber party!..tell 411 i hope her birthday was great, and makes me mad people can't predict the weather better so i could have come and not worried about the snow. Give everyone smooches.