Wednesday, February 7, 2007

and again to the er

Mr went on a trip to the ER again last night due to that wonderful spasmodic croup. The doc said it is viral and he will most likely grow out of it but in the meantime, we can probably count on a trip to the Er once a month or so. I was trying to explain this to someone I know last time and they just kept focusing on CROUP. "why are you freaking out over a cough? sure it sounds nasty but really, a trip to the ER everytime?" wellll, Mr can't be simple. He struggles to breath and it looks like his chest is caving in. He has to get epinephrin (Spelling I am sure is wrong) breathing treatments and pediapred perscriptions. we tried to home remedy of exposure to cold air and that did help, till he warmed up then it started all over again. Yeah, it is a good thing he is my last child and not my first. With all the scares he has given me between this and the peanut allergy, he would definately be an only child.

Spent yesterday running around munchkin to doctors visits. She is up to 8 lb 15 1/2 ounces. She now weighs as much as 411 did at birth and she is 3 monthes old. Had to take her to the eye doctor wayyyyyyy up by westroads mall, sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes for the nurse/tech (whatever) to call me back ask me 3 questions, send me back out to the waiting room because the doctor isn't there yet. 20 minutes later they called us back to the room and the doc put dilating drops in her eyes and back to the waiting room we went. 25 minutes later, they called us back, he took all of 1 1/2 minutes looking in her eyes and said she was good to go. I am discovering whole new levels of patience. I still don't deal well with stupid though, I will have to work on that.

1 comment:

Deanne said...

Anyone that has seen Mr. struggle to breath would know why you freak out about it! You don't need to explain yourself when it comes to the care of your children. With Mr's alergy to peanuts you don't dare take any chances. I can imagine the anquish that you go through each time. I would do the same thing in your shoes.
Love you.
Auntie D.