Monday, February 26, 2007

stardate-Monday,February 26 2007 11:41 am

Ok, so ya'll know that commercial where the family is on vacation and they are taking all these pictures and the mom in a totally non smart ass way says they are looking for that elusive thing they used to see all the time and it is her teens smile? I am so living that. I have been trying to take a good picture of Chick because honestly, I haven't gotten but maybe one since her school pictures came out. She is very good at conveying how dumb she thinks I am with just a look. She inherited that from me so I am torn on whether I am proud or irritated.
I am at home today with Munchkin and two of my nieces, ages 5 and 8 monthes. And Mr will be home in 15 minutes. Yep, I am officially a glutton for punishment. ;)
I uploaded my camera and have a couple shots to share,

Mr got ready when I told him he had to have clothes on if he wanted to go outside.

This is why we have so many TV's in our house. Bubba and the twins playing video games and Tayter getting in on the action.

Bubba's mustache. Handsome, no?

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