Thursday, February 1, 2007

A day in the life

I am officially child free. At least till noon when Mr comes home from his hard day of preschool. I have a whole new appreciation of silence :)
Bubba, my loving sweet adorable blonde haired little boy brought home a "book" that he and a classmate have been working on.
The title is 'Classified War Battles'
Page one Iracie war
Page two We kill blood thirsty Irac's!
Page three Die! Infact (thier idiots) yay,die Irac!

This causes me some concern, him being 8 years old. Should he really be so into war and death? Having never been an eight year old boy, I have no idea. He is a quiet child so that worries me nore :)

I have been doing a lot of inner reflecting today, kinda just grooving with myself. I have decided that I like myself and I shouldn't wonder what others think. It is always nice to hear that other people out there think you rock, that is basic humaness (not a word, I know Whimp, but it suits). But I am ok with knowing that I am working with what I have to make my corner of the world better. Maybe I shouldn't be left alone so much, I start getting all philosophical and stuff :)


Wendy said...

well, i wouldn't be too concerned until he starts mutilating barbie dolls. Think about it..this war has gone on for about 5 years now..almost their entire life. Life as they remember has had a publicized war in it. It is a phase.

Cindy said...

Where was munchkin that you had the whole morning kid free? Cindy