Wednesday, February 28, 2007

nothing of interest here

Ok, I warned you, if you are still reading this it is at your own boredoms risk. I have been using my phone like I never had one this week. I usually don't get or make very many calls, kinda hermity that way. Anywho, my mother calls me (which is unusual to begin with) and as we are talking, she tells me that my cousin absolutely loveed the afghan I made my mom for Christmas. This is a HUGE compliment for me, my cousin has always been one of those people for me. Don't get me wrong, she has a very loving,tender, sweet side to her but that is not what first strikes you about her. I love her to death, she was there for me when no one else was. Anyway, her house/car/dress/everything is always perfect. Nothing ever out of place. In fact the only time I ever remember seeing her look less then 100% is when she was in the hospital on bedrest when she was pregnant with her daughter. Kinda makes me feel less, like I am a huge, slobby poor white trash side of the family. Not intentionally, just my own insecurities showing their ugly heads. SO, the point of all this is SHE LIKES MY AFGHAN. That is making my day and I had to share.
I also want to share a lil bit o humor. I have a niece that likes to come play with my kids. She just turned 8 and we call her Junior. We call her this because she is a junior version of her mother and that was way obvious the other night. She was having a 'disagreement' with my oldest (who is 12 and should know better) and Jr looked at Chick and said "you are getting my pressure up and you are not going to like it" HMMM, I wonder where she could have ever picked up on such a thing.
Still out van shopping. I think we have decided on getting an Uplander, now we just have to find one we like in our price range. Have I mentioned I despise car shopping?
Mikey and I were talking last night about our camping spot. Even I am ready to get back into the summer routine; Grilling out with my sister(s) in law on Friday night and getting up and going junkin' on Saturday and then grilling out and visiting Saturday night. I won't admit this to him though. He is all excited about doing this and doing that and getting all ready for the fourth of July. I know, it is February. He is planning on having a HUGE party because his brother-from-another-mother Snatch will be here. I really hope the Army doesn't mess it up, they have a way of doing that you know.


Cindy said...

I think the uplander looks like a nice vehicle, but I don't see an automatic rear door. It is so nice to have that, esp. with kids, groceries, etc. YOu just hit a button on your remote and it closes or opens the door. Might think about it, I think you would love the convenience. I don't have it on my wagon, but I sure wish I did. Many times my hands are full, and I have to sit everything down to open or close the stupid rear door. I hate it. Karen has the rear automatic door, and I love it when she leaves it for us to use. Cindy

Unknown said...

Care to donate a special afgan for my fundraiser? American Cancer Society.....