Friday, February 9, 2007

Celebrate good times, c'mon

After 12 monthes after worrying, we recieved a call last night from our very good friend Snatch. He's officially in the states now. After 2 weeks of typical military hurry up & wait, he is back. He won't be able to come up to visit till the fourth of July but at least he is in the right country.

I have been reading the news lately with increasing disgust. There was a woman in Omaha that was shooting unknown stuff into her toddlers IV, a man in Pennsylvania beat his 23 month old child and then sent her outside in sub freezing weather for the night in her jammies, there was a crack head who tried to sell her kid to her dealer for some drugs, and that isn't even all the inbred-brain dead idiots who kill their babies because they cried or were just an incovience. A couple of people I know have asked me if I was crazy or just stupid for taking foster kids when I have 4 of my own. Neither, as long as there are bastards like these out there, I feel like I have to do something. I may not have a lot to offer but I do have love and safety. That is more then a lot of these children have ever known.

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