I am very lucky to have the family I do. My wondermus sister in law Wendy took my son last night and kept him till this evening so he could play with her son. Another sister in law had us over for dinner last night and another sister in law (there are 7 of them you know) sent home a sack of sweaters for me. My lack of unstained clothing is becoming ever increasingly obvious so that was a treat! I read about all the horrible, evil things that people do to each other and it gets so depressing because it seems like that is all you ever hear about. I mean, a shooting will get top story but someone helping a stranger because it was the right thing to do doesn't even get mentioned? I know there has to be good things happening out there too, there is a balance. What goes around comes around, good karma/ bad karma, ying and yang, all that jazz. I would like to hear/read/see some random acts of kindness happening.
With that said, I think of the POBs because honestly, I would prolly be writing this from some padded walls without the support I get. Even if it is just to let me bitch and let the steam out, that is a great help. And I do more then my fair share of bitching, I know. There are other women out there that I am really grateful for too, don't think I am forgetting them. And the most surprising of all the women that come to mind is my mom. I never had a strong relationship with her until like the last year or so. Maybe it is getting older, maybe time does heal wounds, maybe the death of her husband hit her hard, I don't know what it is but we have gotten a lot closer lately. She still tends to drive me nuts with her obsession over my weight and the weight of my daughters but I know that her heart is in the right place. I understand what Chelle said about having to think about how I mean to say something before she gets totally teed at me. I have had to stop and go, MOM, that is not really what you meant to say is it? But I am learning.
I am struggling to make better relationships with my girls, and I do see some improvements. I never would have gone into my moms room just to visit with her the way Chick does. I wanted to but I knew better. I sometimes feel like I leave 411 out and am always telling her to go play. She is 7 so maybe I have enough time to change that. She is so much like me, it is scary. I just hope she has more self esteem and confidence then I ever did. Chick has no problem sticking to her ideas, I just hope she learns a little more delicacy. Speaking of tact, I have to share this story with you. I totally deserved what I got.... 411 is on the raffle ticket mission. She wants to sell to everyone she knows, and my niece is staying with us till her apartment comes open this week. It isn't a good time financially for her so I told 411 to hold off asking her for a couple of days till she at least got her 1st check from her new job at the hospital. SO my darling daughter says.. Kristi, would you like to, nevermind, you don't have any money. Totally pissed Kristi off, I can't say that I blame her. I would be totally upset too and that is what I get. I was really hoping the floor would cave in about then but it never does.
There was a total of 9 kids under 13 running around my house this weekend, I am not wanting to go to bed, I am relishing the peace and quiet.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
90 degrees
It is supposed to be 90 degrees today, a very welcome tempature. Saturday, I got up and had a storage unit sale at our unit till noon, my mom came down and at least we got to visit for a few hours. Then my hubby decided he wanted to go mushroom hunting till 6:30. I am sure there was a trench behind me where my butt was dragging. We did manage to find a coupke of pounds worth. Not bad considering half the spots we used to go to have been flattened in an attempt to discourage Meth labs and the other half have been all but advertised. We really didn't find any till we went with Mikey's twin sister. She had already been out and found a couple of pounds herself so she mostly pointed them out for me. :) Then after all that, Chelle and Kristi and I cooked mushrooms, brats, corn , potatoes on the grill and macoroni salad. I went to bed last night and slept like the dead for 10 hours. It was nice, I had a ball last night, I love visiting with Chelle. But DAMN was I glad for my bed. 411 has a soccer game today, I am such a bad mom, I am dreading going. I just want to sit and enjoy the breeze and read my book.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I have got to stop reading CNN.com
It seems like everyday I am disgusted more and more with the stories that I come across. Today, there was the story of a South Carolina man that admitted to raping and impregnating a 9 year old. Killing him is too kind. My heart goes to that poor family that has to make horrible decisions and try to help that lil girl have whatever childhood she can. I didn't even know that a 9 yr old could get pregnant, I guess if her body has started maturing... Regardless, I can't imagine that it would be healthy to carry to term. Her lil body is still growing itself. aaahhhhh I pray that my children stay safe.
I'd like to offer you the opportunity....
Fair warning: It is soccer raffle ticket time again. This year they have given the kids 2 weeks to sell tickets but 411 has to sell 69 instead of 55 because she is in a higher age bracket and she'll get to attend camp for 3 hours a day instead of 1/2 an hour. She is super excited and wanted to hit up all the elderly neighbors. This year there are different prizes and not just James' gift certificates so that might help.
Mikey got a new toy. We went last night so he could get a new computer since he is so aggravated with ours. To be fair, ours is (as Jay so delicately put it) is older then dirt. So now I am spending the morning chasing kids and trying to adjust to the new keyboard. I thought I was a decent typer, till I get this thing that has almost flat keys. Like learning all over again. I would be totally screwed if it was like the old typewriters that you had to roll up, white out, and try to realign the letters. The one real downside is I have to go find the pages for all my favorites all over again. Kind of handy just clicking on the link. Oh, and getting all my pictures removed from my old puter. That will be a pain in the butt. But at least Mikey will be happy for awhile.
Chick is getting ready to go to her relatives on the 25th of May. It doesn't seem like it should be that time already. I was just thinking, whew, no more birthdays till Bubba's. I try to take care of Chicks before she leaves so now I got to think of something. She wants a cell phone, Nintendo DS, dvd player, MP3 player. I guess I should have appreciated the Bratz stage more. :) Mikey wants to get her the cell phone because we can just add her to our plan and the phone will be a penny. Then she would have it and I wouldn't have to freak out about where she was (like last year) and when we are gone, she can call us. I just have reservations about a 13 year old having a cell but I guess it is pretty normal these days.
I have to get to work on the other quilt, I am so excited. I will post the before and after pictures again when I finally get it all together and clipped. That is the only part that I really dread. Whimp volunteered to help me clip one time and one time only. I can't even bribe her to do it again, that is how much fun it is.
Mikey got a new toy. We went last night so he could get a new computer since he is so aggravated with ours. To be fair, ours is (as Jay so delicately put it) is older then dirt. So now I am spending the morning chasing kids and trying to adjust to the new keyboard. I thought I was a decent typer, till I get this thing that has almost flat keys. Like learning all over again. I would be totally screwed if it was like the old typewriters that you had to roll up, white out, and try to realign the letters. The one real downside is I have to go find the pages for all my favorites all over again. Kind of handy just clicking on the link. Oh, and getting all my pictures removed from my old puter. That will be a pain in the butt. But at least Mikey will be happy for awhile.
Chick is getting ready to go to her relatives on the 25th of May. It doesn't seem like it should be that time already. I was just thinking, whew, no more birthdays till Bubba's. I try to take care of Chicks before she leaves so now I got to think of something. She wants a cell phone, Nintendo DS, dvd player, MP3 player. I guess I should have appreciated the Bratz stage more. :) Mikey wants to get her the cell phone because we can just add her to our plan and the phone will be a penny. Then she would have it and I wouldn't have to freak out about where she was (like last year) and when we are gone, she can call us. I just have reservations about a 13 year old having a cell but I guess it is pretty normal these days.
I have to get to work on the other quilt, I am so excited. I will post the before and after pictures again when I finally get it all together and clipped. That is the only part that I really dread. Whimp volunteered to help me clip one time and one time only. I can't even bribe her to do it again, that is how much fun it is.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Warning: more testiness
Ok, you all know me. I do not consider myself to be a hardass when it comes to the kids. I have been referred to as a pushover on more then one occasion. There are a few rules that I am firm on though and one of those is opening a box of cereal when there are already 5 open. I can't see the point in letting 5 boxes get stale because you want this one. So I put my foot down and told a certain 5 year old NO. Someone goes and opens it anyways. Hmm. It is a tiny thing and really not that big of a deal but it is the principle. There seem to be alot of these tiny things. Like Stupid keeping the bottles I bought or sending home the wrong color ring (that drives me nuts!!) There must be some kind of don't-give-a-care pill I can be taking because, honestly, it is annoying that such tiny details bug me.
Poor Mr was up tossing and turning and whimpering all night. I think it was 4:48 am the last time I looked at the clock. 411 used to get night terrors really bad and I am pretty sure it was along those lines that made Mr so miserable. I woke him up a couple times (no easy feat in and of itself) and he would look at me at talk to me then when he dozed off, he started flailing and crying again. He is still sleeping, I figured school prolly wasn't a good idea today.
Poor Mr was up tossing and turning and whimpering all night. I think it was 4:48 am the last time I looked at the clock. 411 used to get night terrors really bad and I am pretty sure it was along those lines that made Mr so miserable. I woke him up a couple times (no easy feat in and of itself) and he would look at me at talk to me then when he dozed off, he started flailing and crying again. He is still sleeping, I figured school prolly wasn't a good idea today.
Monday, April 23, 2007
It is 2007 right?
I found this story on CNN.com and am not sure what I think of it. I mean I guess I am naive to think that people exaggerate the racial barrier, I have never termed people as being a black person or white person first. I mistakenly thought this country was done with segregation decades ago. Anyway, here it is...
ASHBURN, Georgia (CNN) -- Students of Turner County High School started what they hope will become a new tradition: Black and white students attended the prom together for the first time on Saturday.
In previous years, parents had organized private, segregated dances for students of the school in rural Ashburn, Georgia, 160 miles south of Atlanta.
"Whites always come to this one and blacks always go to this one," said Lacey Adkinson, a 14-year-old freshman at the school of 455 students -- 55 percent black, 43 percent white.
"It's always been a tradition since my daddy was in school to have the segregated ones, and this year we're finally getting to try something new," she said. (Audio slide show: A town breaks with tradition)
Adkinson's sister, Mindy Bryan, attended a segregated prom in 2001.
"There was not anybody that I can remember that was black," she said. "The white people have theirs, and the black people have theirs. It's nothing racial at all."
Breaking away from traditions
But this year's upperclassmen -- 213 students total --voted to have just one official prom.
"It's been a dream of all of ours," Senior Class President James Hall said.
"We didn't want to put emphasis on integrated blacks and whites coming together. We just wanted to put emphasis on this was our first school prom," Principal Chad Stone said.
The theme of the first official prom: Breakaway.
"It was fitting already because we are breaking away from the past traditions here in Turner County School," Hall said.
Another tradition that ended this year -- having two separate homecoming queens.
"You pick the homecoming queen for their personalities and being a role model," explained Roshunda Pierce, 16, as she waited to get her nails done for prom.
In the past, two queens were chosen -- one white, one black.
But not everyone in the town of 4,400, famous for its peanuts and Fire Ant Festival, was breaking with the past.
The "white prom" still went on last week.
"We did everything like a regular prom just because we had already booked it," said, Cheryl Nichols, 18, who attended the dance.
Nichole Royal, 18, said black students could have gone to the prom, but didn't.
"I guess they feel like they're not welcome," she said.
Nichols said while her parents were in support of the integrated prom, some of her friends weren't allowed to go.
"If they're not coming tonight it's because either they had to work and they couldn't get out of it or because their parents are still having an issue because they grew up in south Georgia," she said.
"I've asked, 'Why can't you come?' and they're like, 'My mommy and daddy -- they don't agree with being with the colored people,' which I think is crazy," she said.
Stone said he doesn't plan to stop the private proms.
"That's going to be up to the parents. That's part of being in America. If they want to do that for the kids, then that's fine," he said.
Looking toward the future
Outside the prom on Saturday, parents and relatives of students talked as the students filed into the Turner Civic Center.
"If they are picking so much for it to be united, why was there a prom last week for the white, when they are supposed to be united for tonight?" asked Lisa Hall.
Valerie McKellar echoed that sentiment as she watched white and black students pose together.
"That is so fake. There is nothing real about that," she said.
"That's just like you're cooking a half-baked cake, putting the icing on it, and when you cut the cake, the cake ain't no good. That's how this prom is," she said.
McKellar said the prom was a good step, but more needs to be done.
"There is a time and season for all things, and right now it's time for Turner County to make a change."
A success in the students' eyes
Inside the auditorium, students put the controversy aside and danced for hours. Stone said he was pleased with the outcome. About 150 students, including some dates from other schools, attended.
Students leaving the prom praised the evening.
"We been separated for a while. I sure appreciate how the school got all of us together, and we had a blast" said John Holmes, 16.
Aneisha Gipson, who was crowned prom queen, said the night could not have been better.
"Amazing. It was absolutely amazing. It was perfect."
Superintendent Ray Jordan said he couldn't be more proud of Stone and his students.
"If I could write this story it would be a story of celebration of students making a difference for themselves and for future students. I believe they wanted to leave their mark, and I certainly believe they've done that."
ASHBURN, Georgia (CNN) -- Students of Turner County High School started what they hope will become a new tradition: Black and white students attended the prom together for the first time on Saturday.
In previous years, parents had organized private, segregated dances for students of the school in rural Ashburn, Georgia, 160 miles south of Atlanta.
"Whites always come to this one and blacks always go to this one," said Lacey Adkinson, a 14-year-old freshman at the school of 455 students -- 55 percent black, 43 percent white.
"It's always been a tradition since my daddy was in school to have the segregated ones, and this year we're finally getting to try something new," she said. (Audio slide show: A town breaks with tradition)
Adkinson's sister, Mindy Bryan, attended a segregated prom in 2001.
"There was not anybody that I can remember that was black," she said. "The white people have theirs, and the black people have theirs. It's nothing racial at all."
Breaking away from traditions
But this year's upperclassmen -- 213 students total --voted to have just one official prom.
"It's been a dream of all of ours," Senior Class President James Hall said.
"We didn't want to put emphasis on integrated blacks and whites coming together. We just wanted to put emphasis on this was our first school prom," Principal Chad Stone said.
The theme of the first official prom: Breakaway.
"It was fitting already because we are breaking away from the past traditions here in Turner County School," Hall said.
Another tradition that ended this year -- having two separate homecoming queens.
"You pick the homecoming queen for their personalities and being a role model," explained Roshunda Pierce, 16, as she waited to get her nails done for prom.
In the past, two queens were chosen -- one white, one black.
But not everyone in the town of 4,400, famous for its peanuts and Fire Ant Festival, was breaking with the past.
The "white prom" still went on last week.
"We did everything like a regular prom just because we had already booked it," said, Cheryl Nichols, 18, who attended the dance.
Nichole Royal, 18, said black students could have gone to the prom, but didn't.
"I guess they feel like they're not welcome," she said.
Nichols said while her parents were in support of the integrated prom, some of her friends weren't allowed to go.
"If they're not coming tonight it's because either they had to work and they couldn't get out of it or because their parents are still having an issue because they grew up in south Georgia," she said.
"I've asked, 'Why can't you come?' and they're like, 'My mommy and daddy -- they don't agree with being with the colored people,' which I think is crazy," she said.
Stone said he doesn't plan to stop the private proms.
"That's going to be up to the parents. That's part of being in America. If they want to do that for the kids, then that's fine," he said.
Looking toward the future
Outside the prom on Saturday, parents and relatives of students talked as the students filed into the Turner Civic Center.
"If they are picking so much for it to be united, why was there a prom last week for the white, when they are supposed to be united for tonight?" asked Lisa Hall.
Valerie McKellar echoed that sentiment as she watched white and black students pose together.
"That is so fake. There is nothing real about that," she said.
"That's just like you're cooking a half-baked cake, putting the icing on it, and when you cut the cake, the cake ain't no good. That's how this prom is," she said.
McKellar said the prom was a good step, but more needs to be done.
"There is a time and season for all things, and right now it's time for Turner County to make a change."
A success in the students' eyes
Inside the auditorium, students put the controversy aside and danced for hours. Stone said he was pleased with the outcome. About 150 students, including some dates from other schools, attended.
Students leaving the prom praised the evening.
"We been separated for a while. I sure appreciate how the school got all of us together, and we had a blast" said John Holmes, 16.
Aneisha Gipson, who was crowned prom queen, said the night could not have been better.
"Amazing. It was absolutely amazing. It was perfect."
Superintendent Ray Jordan said he couldn't be more proud of Stone and his students.
"If I could write this story it would be a story of celebration of students making a difference for themselves and for future students. I believe they wanted to leave their mark, and I certainly believe they've done that."
I hate Mondays
I really do. It might have something to do with my 9 month old niece that has decided that the only noise she will make is a whine or cry for the last 3 hours. It might have to do with fighting my 3 year old that I am the parent and he does have to do what I say. It could possibly have to do with my 12 going on 17 year old giving me the HUMPHHH (talk under breath and roll eyes)at 7 this morning. It could also have to do with realizing that my dear hubby sees me as his personal maid. I swear I pick up more of his shi.....stuff then the kids'. And there is 4 of them. AAAARRGGHHHH
Saturday my loving family took my kids to the Henry Doorley Zoo. I was kinda bummed I didn't get to go, but it would have been ugly; I have been fighting this cold and have been rather grumpy.Which might explain previous paragraph? With it being 80+ degrees and a Saturday, I figured that the mob and my mood wouldn't be a very good mix. And Mikey swore he needed my help. Yeah well I won't go into that but I did get to hit a couple of yard sales. I am such an addict.
Saturday my loving family took my kids to the Henry Doorley Zoo. I was kinda bummed I didn't get to go, but it would have been ugly; I have been fighting this cold and have been rather grumpy.Which might explain previous paragraph? With it being 80+ degrees and a Saturday, I figured that the mob and my mood wouldn't be a very good mix. And Mikey swore he needed my help. Yeah well I won't go into that but I did get to hit a couple of yard sales. I am such an addict.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
it's official
Munchkin has been picked up and I am without a placement. I wonder how long that will last?
Another day in the life
Since some brilliant mo-fo decided to call my house at 6:15 and the kids don't have to get up till 7, I thought I would update. Munchkin goes home today, for good. Or at least till the next time DHS steps in. I am going to have to stop that there or I could get in trouble. For those of you that know me, you know what a struggle it is for me to not say anything. :)
Mr has a hooky day from preschool, he's gonna be so excited. I was thinking of going up to the zoo today but my house needs to be cleaned way too much. I have a lady coming to visit tommorrow. I am not sure exactly where she fits into the scheme of things but she is involved in the whole foster parent experience. So I guess I will have to get off my dead butt and clean. Of course, I am a dumbass and agreed to watch my nieces so that ought to make it tricky.
Chick and her class got to go to the Amazing Pizza Machine Tuesday as a reward for her class getting the highest scores on the ITBS. She was so happy when she came home. Then yesterday, she came home crying because some girl on the bus smacked her on the head and was kicking her seat. I asked her what she did then and she told me 'Nothing! So&so is an eighth grader!' When I pointed out that she should have stuck up for herself, she just cried harder. I so do not know what to do. Calm Wendy down, I am going to the school later to talk to the principal, but I don't know what to do with Chick. She does not make it easy cuz of the way she talks to people but then she won't defend herself when someone is picking on her either. I wish there was some magic camp I could send her to that she would actually learn people skills and sticking up for yourself and knowing when to hold your tongue from. TO be fair these are all things I struggle with so it is no wonder that she is having trouble. BUT I do not want her to be the social outcast I was. AARRGGHHH
Mr has a hooky day from preschool, he's gonna be so excited. I was thinking of going up to the zoo today but my house needs to be cleaned way too much. I have a lady coming to visit tommorrow. I am not sure exactly where she fits into the scheme of things but she is involved in the whole foster parent experience. So I guess I will have to get off my dead butt and clean. Of course, I am a dumbass and agreed to watch my nieces so that ought to make it tricky.
Chick and her class got to go to the Amazing Pizza Machine Tuesday as a reward for her class getting the highest scores on the ITBS. She was so happy when she came home. Then yesterday, she came home crying because some girl on the bus smacked her on the head and was kicking her seat. I asked her what she did then and she told me 'Nothing! So&so is an eighth grader!' When I pointed out that she should have stuck up for herself, she just cried harder. I so do not know what to do. Calm Wendy down, I am going to the school later to talk to the principal, but I don't know what to do with Chick. She does not make it easy cuz of the way she talks to people but then she won't defend herself when someone is picking on her either. I wish there was some magic camp I could send her to that she would actually learn people skills and sticking up for yourself and knowing when to hold your tongue from. TO be fair these are all things I struggle with so it is no wonder that she is having trouble. BUT I do not want her to be the social outcast I was. AARRGGHHH
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Four things...
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Courtesy Clerk
2. Softlines Associate
3. Cashier
4. Hostess
Four Movies I have watched over and over:
1. Dirty Dancing
2. Playing by Heart
3. Fifth Element
4. PCU
Four places I have lived:
1. Colorado Springs
2. Korea
3. Schweinfurt Germany
4. Rome New York
Four TV shows I usually watch:
1. Extreme Home Makeover
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Lost
4. Desperate Housewives
Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Clarksville Tenn.
2. Oklahoma
3. Arkansas
4. Pitkin Colorado
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Steak
2. Cheescake
3. Oatmeal raisen or scotchies cookies
4. crab legs
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Colorado
2. shopping with another grown up
3. Germany
4. visiting with family or friends
1. Courtesy Clerk
2. Softlines Associate
3. Cashier
4. Hostess
Four Movies I have watched over and over:
1. Dirty Dancing
2. Playing by Heart
3. Fifth Element
4. PCU
Four places I have lived:
1. Colorado Springs
2. Korea
3. Schweinfurt Germany
4. Rome New York
Four TV shows I usually watch:
1. Extreme Home Makeover
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Lost
4. Desperate Housewives
Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Clarksville Tenn.
2. Oklahoma
3. Arkansas
4. Pitkin Colorado
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Steak
2. Cheescake
3. Oatmeal raisen or scotchies cookies
4. crab legs
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Colorado
2. shopping with another grown up
3. Germany
4. visiting with family or friends
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The local law enforcement agency has apprehended the criminals responsible for the wave of egging activity that has hit Tabor in the past couple of weeks. A pair of girls, eleven and twelve years old, have been scolded, will deliver apologies and serve ten hours of community service that is to include cleaning the parking lot where these activities occured. All is well and the sidewalks are once again rolled up.
Tabor crime spree
Last night my niece brought her kids over to visit which made Bubba thrilled, he loves seeing the boys. Kristi and I had to take her baby, Tator, down to Grape Hospital because she was all polka dotted and had had a fever for a couple days. Turns out she just had an allergic reaction to the medicine she was on but they gave her pediapred (sp?). And as anyone who has had a child take it knows, it makes them wired! Sooo Kristi and I were up talking till like 1:30 waiting for Tator to decide that sleeping wasn't an evil past time. We went outside so she could smoke, came in, about half an hour later, all the kids were asleep and we went outside for one last puff before bed and this is what we saw....



Apparently, there is an epidemic of eggings in Tabor. Mike's car got a little on it and Two other houses have been hit in the last couple weekends and there was a car up the street that had been painted in egg/flour/salad dressing too. I called the town cop and he couldn't be bothered to come look. This was at 2 in morning but still.... Anyway, my neighbor woke up this morning and was majorly pissed (his car did get one egg) and he called. He was told it was taken care of so when he came knocking on my door, I told him that the cop and not come to look at it and I thought it was a little weird to not even come look. Soo the neighbor called the county sheriff and raised a stink and the sheriff finally did come look. The baggies the kids used to transport their weapons (hee hee) were still laying in the bushes. EVIDENCE!! ( I watch too much Law and Order). It is mostly an annoyance but it is weird for this town of 500 people.



Apparently, there is an epidemic of eggings in Tabor. Mike's car got a little on it and Two other houses have been hit in the last couple weekends and there was a car up the street that had been painted in egg/flour/salad dressing too. I called the town cop and he couldn't be bothered to come look. This was at 2 in morning but still.... Anyway, my neighbor woke up this morning and was majorly pissed (his car did get one egg) and he called. He was told it was taken care of so when he came knocking on my door, I told him that the cop and not come to look at it and I thought it was a little weird to not even come look. Soo the neighbor called the county sheriff and raised a stink and the sheriff finally did come look. The baggies the kids used to transport their weapons (hee hee) were still laying in the bushes. EVIDENCE!! ( I watch too much Law and Order). It is mostly an annoyance but it is weird for this town of 500 people.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Me First!!



Today was 411's first soccer game, they won 4-0!! It was freezing freakin' cold ( or as MR would say, guckin cold!) but wwe still cheered her like her own cheerleading section.
This morning, we had a surprise celebration for Cindy Lou's 50th birthday. I didn't get to go to the best part at the resturant. Her daughter and son in law, husband and son were meeting the POB's there. She cried with just the 5 of us, I can imagine the waterworks when she saw them. It was kinda cool, we all kept the secret for over a month, I am so proud. And I got to be the first to blog aobut it cuz they are still out hee hee :)
Chellby was in the semifinals at the local bar karokee contest. She got second place ( I think she was robbed)and gets to compete in the finals next Friday. I got to drink alcoholic beverages; Mikey VOLUNTEERED to drink Dr. Pepper last night, the first time in almost 10 years of marriage, it was really fun. I was drinking bomb pops (UV vodka,lemonadeand grenadine, VERY yummy) and had a blast. I thought it was cool, 6 out of 8 siblings showed up to support Chelle, even those that don't get along very well. That is what family is about!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Today is a visit day..
Munchkin went ot sleep last night about 10 pm, slept till 5:45 and then went back to sleep about 6:20. She has a visit today (usually at 7:45ish they pick her up) so I let her sleep and was dozing. Her mom called and said they were on their way at 6:45 (it takes 10 minutes to get her from there)so I jumped up and woke baby and changed her and made sure she was ready to go. Know what time they got here? 7:45. I was so irritated. I went back to bed and my kids let me sleep till 10:40. I thought for sure they had been kidnapped, it was like a mini vacation. Of course now that I am well rested and I finished the first quilt I was working on. I'll post pictures next time, it is washing/drying now. My brother in law is having a murder mystery party set in the old west. I am looking forward to it, sounds like fun. He wants costumes so I will have to see what I can come up with.
Monday, April 9, 2007
coming down from the sugar rush





A great time was had by all, lots of stuff to keep all the kids happy. A pinata, rubber ducky game, go cart rides, kite flying and lets not forget to mention the egg 'hunting'. I love the picture of Mr passing dozens of eggs to get the one farthest away. Isn't that typical kids? I think each of the kids (including half a dozen of the neighbor kids) ended up with over 20 eggs a piece. Which loosely translates to a buttload of candy. And a certain member of the POB came up with flutes for the kids. 20+ kids running around blowing flutes hyped up on sugar. Yeah, good times. It was a great memory for my kids and it gave me a chance to visit with grown ups.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Saturday night....
The Easter bunny finally got to come and drop off the baskets that he made for my children. They finally fell asleep at 11:45. They are trying to kill me. Munchkin is gone for the weekend again so I was really looking forward to going ot bed when I wanted and sleeping the night through. Yeah well of course those plans got shot. It is my own fault; I agreed to watch my nieces girls Friday night and my other niece tonight. I wouldn't change anything, I love having them here. It is kind of cool to be Aunt Brandy and them tell you you rock!! Maybe it was growing up not knowing most of my family but I want all of my relations to know me and me to know them. My brothers have kids that I don't know even their names. That is just sad to me. My older sister tried to get ahold of the one brother that has disowned the family (well, my mom mostly and the rest of us are just kinda get lumped in) and he wants nothing to do with any of us. As a matter of fact, the saddest thing my mom has ever told me was one day when she was at the casino, this young guy sat down and started chatting with her about it being his birthdya at the neighboring slot machine. She said she knew exactly who he was cuz she had given birth to him but he had no idea who she was. So, she told him happy birthday and left. When I asked her why she didn't tell him who she was she said she didn't want to ruin his day. Can you imagine? I don;t think I could ever have that kind of relationship or lack of with any of my kids no matter what the future holds. They drive me nuts but they are mine and I am their mother whether they like it or not.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
my giggle for today
I was talking with my mother about the whole Brittney Spears happenings. The thing that bothered her the most was the pantiless shots. Forget the shaved head, tattoos, partying, rehab, driving with her kids on her lap. Mom was offended by her going out without panties, "that is just tacky" she says. and ya'll wonder where my grasp of the obscure comes from.
Getting ready for spring break. The kids get Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off. That is their whole spring break. When I was in school, you got at least a week. From a mom having the kids home all day, I like the 3 days better :) I love my kids, but with the weather being so chilly, I am not looking forward to them being inside all day for 5 days.
I had to be a meaner last night. Chick wanted to go spend Friday night and Saturday night with her friend. That was fine till we found out they would be traveling to Atlantic to stay with her friends dad. Who has left his daughter with her aunt and uncle while he lived in Texas and moved here (and apparently has been in Iowa for a couple of weeks already without coming to see his daughter). All I know about him is he is willing to let someone else take care of his daughter for months on end. I asked Chick to look at it from my point of view-- you want to go 2 hours away to spend 2 days with someone I have never met and don't know anything about. She said, when you put it that way it sounds bad. Yeah that is my point. She was disappointed but at least she understands we have her safety a top priority. I really like her friend and am glad Chick has someone to hang out with. This little girl also has enough baggage to fill a penske truck and I am not comfortable with Chick getting right in the middle of it.
Ok, on a lighter note, I admit to watching American Idol. And I am totally irritated Sanjaya Malaker is still on there. He can't sing half as well as at least three of the people that have been voted off already. I am starting to wonder if all these people who claim the voting is rigged are right. There is no way America can be so stupid to vote for such a weak winner. Then again........
Getting ready for spring break. The kids get Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off. That is their whole spring break. When I was in school, you got at least a week. From a mom having the kids home all day, I like the 3 days better :) I love my kids, but with the weather being so chilly, I am not looking forward to them being inside all day for 5 days.
I had to be a meaner last night. Chick wanted to go spend Friday night and Saturday night with her friend. That was fine till we found out they would be traveling to Atlantic to stay with her friends dad. Who has left his daughter with her aunt and uncle while he lived in Texas and moved here (and apparently has been in Iowa for a couple of weeks already without coming to see his daughter). All I know about him is he is willing to let someone else take care of his daughter for months on end. I asked Chick to look at it from my point of view-- you want to go 2 hours away to spend 2 days with someone I have never met and don't know anything about. She said, when you put it that way it sounds bad. Yeah that is my point. She was disappointed but at least she understands we have her safety a top priority. I really like her friend and am glad Chick has someone to hang out with. This little girl also has enough baggage to fill a penske truck and I am not comfortable with Chick getting right in the middle of it.
Ok, on a lighter note, I admit to watching American Idol. And I am totally irritated Sanjaya Malaker is still on there. He can't sing half as well as at least three of the people that have been voted off already. I am starting to wonder if all these people who claim the voting is rigged are right. There is no way America can be so stupid to vote for such a weak winner. Then again........
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I am, however, a soccer mom
I was talking ot my mom this morning and she referred to me as a soccer mom. Instantly I replied (kind of offended) I AM NOT!! Then, duh! I got to thinking about it, I most certainly am. I have the minivan, I have to juggle shedules, I even have the kids actually playing soccer. AAhhh I hate reality sometimes. I love my kids, just hate the stereotype. There are worse things, like an inbred braindead hillbilly twit.
Speaking of soccer, Mr and 411 have both opted to play this year. I am looking forward to watching them. 411 is really serious about it, I am encouraging her every way I can think of. Mr I don't think has a clue, but at three, he wouldn't. I am just happy he;s wanting to be around other kids to tell you the truth. $11's 1st game is the 14th and Mr's is the 23. I'll try to get pictures posted.
We colored Easter eggs last night. It was so funny, Chick is trying to be cool about it cuz seh got it in her head that she shouldn't be doing it cuz she is too old vs she REALLY wanted to do it. I never seem to take a good picture of 411, I finally got one but it looks like she needs a bra. At 7. Heaven help me.




And this last one is of Mr, I know it is all weird but I loved it.
Speaking of soccer, Mr and 411 have both opted to play this year. I am looking forward to watching them. 411 is really serious about it, I am encouraging her every way I can think of. Mr I don't think has a clue, but at three, he wouldn't. I am just happy he;s wanting to be around other kids to tell you the truth. $11's 1st game is the 14th and Mr's is the 23. I'll try to get pictures posted.
We colored Easter eggs last night. It was so funny, Chick is trying to be cool about it cuz seh got it in her head that she shouldn't be doing it cuz she is too old vs she REALLY wanted to do it. I never seem to take a good picture of 411, I finally got one but it looks like she needs a bra. At 7. Heaven help me.




And this last one is of Mr, I know it is all weird but I loved it.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007
I'm not a nice person sometimes
and you know what? I am okay with that. I took great delight in waking someone up this morning and making sure that all her children were even more wide awake too before I left. It is a petty, childish reaction but I don't deal well with stupid and it gave me a smile.
I have to share one of my favorite quotes, it pretty much sums up my outlook on housework....
Don't cook. Don't clean. No man will ever make love to a woman because she waxed the linoleum - "My God, the floor's immaculate. Lie down, you hot bitch." ~Joan Rivers
I have to share one of my favorite quotes, it pretty much sums up my outlook on housework....
Don't cook. Don't clean. No man will ever make love to a woman because she waxed the linoleum - "My God, the floor's immaculate. Lie down, you hot bitch." ~Joan Rivers
Monday, April 2, 2007
lil update
Of course, as soon as I posted yesterday, I got the rest of the info.. my nephew ended up raising $6700 from the raffle. The guy that won it was one of the last ones to buy a ticket, how lucky is that? The bad thing was after the first hit, the transmission went out. Jake was really upset about it but the guy that won it said he had fun and stuff happens. With so many people out there ready to be jackasses at the drop of a hat, I thought that was a way cool attitude. The man ended up winning $75 for coming in last place (cuz he only got to hit one time) and he donated that back to Kynnedi too. What a neat man.
Getting ready for Easter. Every year we have a huge get together, last year it was at my house and this year it is at Chelle's. It is great to have a huge celebration like this, it makes it feel more like a special day. The only down side is filling the eggs: we have a black trash bag full of eggs plus some odds and ends and we have to fill all of them. It takes 5 of us about 2 hours to get them all done. Even that isn't so bad because at least we get a chance to visit and catch up on our weeks (what isn't covered in the phone calls and visits).
Getting ready for Easter. Every year we have a huge get together, last year it was at my house and this year it is at Chelle's. It is great to have a huge celebration like this, it makes it feel more like a special day. The only down side is filling the eggs: we have a black trash bag full of eggs plus some odds and ends and we have to fill all of them. It takes 5 of us about 2 hours to get them all done. Even that isn't so bad because at least we get a chance to visit and catch up on our weeks (what isn't covered in the phone calls and visits).
Sunday, April 1, 2007
A couple of notes and rants
My great niece, Kynnedi, had double cochlear implant surgery last year. Her parents had to pay something like $45,000 after the insurance because it would only pay for one. The surgery went well and she can hear now (found out she does NOT like the car wash, too much noise)and is doing great. What I didn't realize is that they had to borrow the last $12,000 and have been paying it back as quickly as they can. They are a young couple and mom had to quit her job to stay at home with Kynnedi because of all the doctors visits (and for awhile the lil thing wasn't allowed outside)so it is taking awhile. Anyway, yesterday, I got to help at a derby raffle for her. I didn't understand exactly what that was until I got there so I will explain... Kynnedi's dad makes demolition derby cars, usually for himself to wreck :). He does a damn fine job: usually when he competes he takes first or second place, these cars are strong. Yesterday, in Lincoln, Ne, they had a HUGE demo derby called Husker Havoc. We are talking like 80+ cars. Jake built a car to be raffled off to run in the main event. For those unfamiliar, you usually run in a heat and then if you get through that you can go to the main. most drivers never make it out of the first heat so starting in the main is a Very big deal. So we were selling the raffle tickets for $10 a piece for a chance to drive this car. I will admit, I was skeptical mainly because I didn't realize what a HUGE following derbys have. I was quickly shown the light when there were at least three people that dropped a hundred dollar bill to get 10 tickets a piece. One guy even wanted 13. and there were 2 that had driven down from Rock Springs Wyoming to come to this thing. And there were 3 very sweet ladies that just donated money to help out. I had a lot of fun, and I got a cool shirt. :) I will have to update later because I have no idea how much they ended up with but I am guessing it was a damn good fundraiser for them.
ok, now the rant. STUPID SHOULD HURT. I am learning whole new levels of patience with idiocy. I got a call last night telling me I HAVE to do something from someone I don't particularly like. Now see that is the one way to guarantee that I won't do something. If it had been phrased as a question it would be a totally different thing. But this woman is too stupid to realize if you want something, you have to use tact. AARRGGHHH
I want to comment on the new style for teens looking like maternity shirts. YUCKO!! I can only hope that this fad fades soon.
I am looking forward to the next sister breakfast, and not just cuz it's mine, I really enjoy the time out to spend with other grown women. Even if it is for a couple of hours (although it very rarely is that), it is nice to not hear MOOMMMMM and to eat somewhere without a drivethru. And I love the gifts, giving and getting. I don't really have that opportunity to shop for someone who appreciates the thought behind the gift very often. It is so cool when you make or buy something and the person you are doing it for is truly appreciative. My kids and husband don't really get that whole thing so it is nice for my ego. I always feel guilty when it comes time to send my list out because it seems 3 times longer then anyone elses. But to be fair, alot of my list is dvds, I am a movie freak. And I seem to be more of a pack rat then the others.
ok, now the rant. STUPID SHOULD HURT. I am learning whole new levels of patience with idiocy. I got a call last night telling me I HAVE to do something from someone I don't particularly like. Now see that is the one way to guarantee that I won't do something. If it had been phrased as a question it would be a totally different thing. But this woman is too stupid to realize if you want something, you have to use tact. AARRGGHHH
I want to comment on the new style for teens looking like maternity shirts. YUCKO!! I can only hope that this fad fades soon.
I am looking forward to the next sister breakfast, and not just cuz it's mine
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