Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Before and after

This is the before...



Deanne said...

Oooooooo I like it. You are so talented! Is this one for the party at Michelle and Jason's?

Cindy said...

I am so not a visual person, so for you to put this on paper and be able to visualize it when it's done just amazes me. Cindy

Deanne said...

I am soooo disappointed that I didn't have any new blog news to read today. You never let me down but yet I come in here and find that you still haven't updated it in 2 whole days!!!! What's up with that??!! Comon girlfriend you got 4 kids, a foster kid, and a husband and you don't have anything new to talk about? I am completely crushed....don't know if I will be able to overcome this...I might have to be committed since I didn't get my fix today!!