Thursday, March 1, 2007

Snow Day

It is a winter wonderland of blizzardness outside. The kids are all here with me looking for entertainment. For some reason, they don't think it is fun to clean their rooms. I keep using it as an answer for I'm bored/ There is nothing to do. Munchkins Mom picked her up this morning and now because of the roads, she gets to keep her till Saturday. Two whole nights of uninterrupted sleep. Ohhhhhhh the joy I take at that thought. Now, I just have to convince Mr not to need another trip to the ER (knock on wood, throw salt, all that jazz). Bubba is busy 'shooting' everything in sight, Kate is listening to classic country (where did she come from anyway?)and Chick is closeted in her room playing with Bratz. Soon enough she will be in there trying new hairstyles and calling her peeps to talk about the way (insert boy name here) looked yesterday and who do you think he likes. I am ok with the Bratz.
Poor Mikey is stuck at work. He got there at 7:30 and it was 10:45 before they plowed the parking lot at his shop. All they are doing is answering the phone and yakking to each other. Because the highways and roads are all closed due to the weather, they can't go fix any trucks and who knows when he will be able to come home. It is going to be a looooooonnnnnnnnngggggg day.

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