Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'd like to offer you the opportunity....

Fair warning: It is soccer raffle ticket time again. This year they have given the kids 2 weeks to sell tickets but 411 has to sell 69 instead of 55 because she is in a higher age bracket and she'll get to attend camp for 3 hours a day instead of 1/2 an hour. She is super excited and wanted to hit up all the elderly neighbors. This year there are different prizes and not just James' gift certificates so that might help.

Mikey got a new toy. We went last night so he could get a new computer since he is so aggravated with ours. To be fair, ours is (as Jay so delicately put it) is older then dirt. So now I am spending the morning chasing kids and trying to adjust to the new keyboard. I thought I was a decent typer, till I get this thing that has almost flat keys. Like learning all over again. I would be totally screwed if it was like the old typewriters that you had to roll up, white out, and try to realign the letters. The one real downside is I have to go find the pages for all my favorites all over again. Kind of handy just clicking on the link. Oh, and getting all my pictures removed from my old puter. That will be a pain in the butt. But at least Mikey will be happy for awhile.

Chick is getting ready to go to her relatives on the 25th of May. It doesn't seem like it should be that time already. I was just thinking, whew, no more birthdays till Bubba's. I try to take care of Chicks before she leaves so now I got to think of something. She wants a cell phone, Nintendo DS, dvd player, MP3 player. I guess I should have appreciated the Bratz stage more. :) Mikey wants to get her the cell phone because we can just add her to our plan and the phone will be a penny. Then she would have it and I wouldn't have to freak out about where she was (like last year) and when we are gone, she can call us. I just have reservations about a 13 year old having a cell but I guess it is pretty normal these days.

I have to get to work on the other quilt, I am so excited. I will post the before and after pictures again when I finally get it all together and clipped. That is the only part that I really dread. Whimp volunteered to help me clip one time and one time only. I can't even bribe her to do it again, that is how much fun it is.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I will clip any time you want. Cindy