Thursday, March 8, 2007


Let me start this by saying I am TERRIFIED of them. So imagine my sheer joy at learning all 4 of my kids need to visit one. I am so scared I would rather look like a hillbilly then have to go visit one. I have had one good experience with them in my 32 years and that doc knocked my ass out and woke me when it was over. I can deal with that, I can handle the pain. Four kids over 7 lb 12oz will do that to yea :). I can NOT handle the smells and sounds. It sends me into a panic attack. I tear up in the waiting room. I went to one a couple of years ago that gave me a valium before my appointment so I would be loopy when I got there. When I told him it wasn't enough, I was still highly anxious, he asked my husband if I used street drugs because I must have a high tolerance. I was offended, scared and in pain. Wonderful combo. Unfortenetly, the one dentist I liked is in Colorado. 10 hours is a little long a drive, so now I am stuck in trial and error mode. I can't seem to find anyone that understands just how skittish I am, I get the whole 'you are a grown up, deal with it'. You know what? That isn't right, there has to be someone out there that will take into account that I need extreme gentleness (or a good knock out). The last one I went to (to get a tooth pulled) advertised as "catering to cowards", yeah right. That was my own personal hell. There weren't any rooms, just half walls between chairs and all open to the lobby. They set me in a chair and had me wait listening and smelling for like 15 minutes (seemed like hours) then came over and jabbed and poked. then left me there for another however long it took for the stuff to numb. THEN the pulling and twisting started. He had the nerve to tell me sit still, I am almost done. Then comes back and tells me, you seem really anxious, you should see me at my main office, I have a lot more work to do. Yeah like that was even an option. AND the time before that, I went to what I later found out was a quack. On my first visit, he was super sweet ( the main reason I went there was because he does IV sedation) and reminded me of a postcard grampa. So I made arrangements to come back and get the work started, on the second visit he tells me that my insurance won't cover X amount and I need to pay up front.
Which, if you ask me is kinda shady especially since he had all the paperwork ready for a company that specializes in dentristy loans. He ended up putting in 2 crowns. One of which fell out after less then 6 monthes. So, ya'll might start to get the idea of what kind of torture I am facing having to take the kids. I think this is a good time for Mikey to play the dad card and take of it. Yep, that is it.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I wonder who the dentist is you are taking the kids to? Sorry you had such a bad experience. The only dentist I ever had a terrible experience with is in Glenwood, he was so rough I left his office feeling violated. Good luck.