Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Silent Lucidity

emphasis on the silent. aaahhhhhhhh that's nice. As everyone knows, when I have these nice quiet moments, I often ponder totally irrelavant thoughts. Today I have been looking at the people I know. I know tons of really awesome ladies (and guys ,I guess :) ) and it never ceases to amaze me how some of them just throw opportunity after opportunity away. I know that sounds judgmental and it prolly is. There are prolly older adults in my life that wonder why I made some of the choices that I made. The difference being, I hope, I learn from my mistakes. Maybe it is as simple as not understanding the consequences, but you would think somewhere, somehow it would sink in and the light bulb would go off. A total, what the hell was I thinking moment. I mean c'mon, if you know that a tube top is not your style, why would you buy 6 of them in different colors? Or if you are allergic to dairy, you aren't going to go get ice cream. I just want to yell, you are beautiful, relatively smart, usually sensical gals, snap out of it!! Well, ok, that wouldn't work for the guys but it is the same principal. The wasted potential is just sad. THEN I start to wonder, who the hell am I to even think these things? Everyone has their own life to live and if I am to teach my children tolerance and acceptance of others I have to learn it myself. I have no right to think I know what someone should be doing and if they would just do this or that.... I can hope, though, that these wonderful, amazing people will realize where they are at and where they could be. And then make the choices that will take them there.


Cindy said...

SILENCE?! How did you manage that? Where's the baby? Your pictures are not there anymore, they are a square with a red x in them.

supermom said...

silent lucidity....la la la....



do you hear that?

ha ha, it is not their anymore....

damn it!