Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Parent teacher conferences

I forgot to mention earlier that Mikey and I went to PTC last night, I love those things. It is so nice to hear that someone else thinks your child(ren) are smart and that, regardless of how they act at home, they do know how to behave in public. First up was Bubba. His teacher is not the most warm and fuzzy, she is one of those that gives you that look, the one that says whatever problem I have with your son is all your fault. Then she says he is very bright and an excellant student, has come a long way. BUT his penmanship is atrocious. She can't read his math work it is so bad. I looked at her and said what do you want me to do? I make him redo his homework that he brings home so that it is legible but I am not sitting in the classroom with him. She told me that she has made him miss recess to rewrite work, I think it is good. If he misses out on his "battle time" then he might take that extra second to make it look neater. The final analysis is that he will be a fourth grader next year.
Mr was next. He has blown away his teachers and speech lady. They said they have to do the final review in May but more then likely, he will not be in special ed for his speech. And since that was what he was in for this year, he will go regular shedule. which will be weird for him, less time next year and then the year after all day. It was fun to listen to all the stories they had about him. He is such a cute lil thing!
Lastly we had to go to 411's. Awhile ago I had called and let her teacher know that she was bored in class. I suggested an extra worksheet once in awhile because she loves the work. Her teacher thought I was nuts. I had to laugh because last night she told me that 411 loves the extra sheets she gives her and even says 'thank you'!! I know, she is an odd duck but she is my lil odd duck and I love her.


Cindy said...

Not surprised by any of the stories, well, I guess I am surprised bubba will be in 4th grade again, he is so dang smart! Now, Katie being odd, wonder where she gets that? It's a total toss up in that gene pool!

Wendy said...

well...good job for bubba. that THIRD grade teacher he has not overly i would be, but hey i am partial! figures 411 likes extra work, and I hope chick's went well too! luv whimp

Deanne said...

Good Job to all of them! And you make sure they know I said so.
Love Ya
Auntie D.