Thursday, March 29, 2007

Do wah diddy......

Mr and I are at home this morning waiting to go to his preschool round up for 4 year olds. I have been surfing the internet to use up the time( because heaven forbid I do some housework :)and I have discovered some rather sad news. why is it that I am instantly interested in a head line that starts "Infant injured by .... ". There is a case in California where a woman gave birth and then abandoned the baby in a park with the umbilical cord still attatched, 11 monthes later she had another baby and abandoned that one in the back of a truck. 11 monthes after that she had another one she abandoned in another truck less then 2 blocks from the others. The first two survived but the third one didn't. They did DNA test and know that the same woman gave birth to all three but they have no idea who she is. The really terribly sickening thing about all this is California has safe haven laws. You can give up your baby within 72 hours of birth to any hospital,fire station or police station no questions asked. As a matter of fact, 46 states in America has these laws. Alaska, Hawaii,Vermont and Nebraska do not. There was talk of a bill recently that would include a safe haven law. I haven't heard anymore about whether it passed or not but I would really like to see one in place. Just in case type of thing. And to get the info that such laws are existant. How many women have given birth and hid/harmed their babies because they didn't know they could take them somewhere safe and not be prosecuted. Iowa's Safe haven laws state that up to 14 days after being born an infant can be taken to and ER or hospital and they will not be prosecuted. Just something I thought was worth mentioning.

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