Tuesday, March 6, 2007

great day to be alive

The sister that makes the Fabu bread dough is Dianne. Chelle and Dianne are the 1/2 that came over and it was so much fun.

I listen to the radio at night and I woke up to Paradise City by Guns and Roses. Now, who is gonna have a bad day when such a high energy song starts it off? It helps that I am baby free for the day too. And I get to go shopping this afternoon. I might get a chicken with a thong it is just that kind of mood I am in. I have been surfing around the internet trying to find a modest swimsuit for my 12 year old. The problem being she is built like Dolly Parton and almost everything that fits her top is made for full grown women that wanna show their goodies. She has no business showing stuff off. I did find one tankini that we both like BUT, of course, the top and bottom are sold seperate and they are each $40. So if anyone has any suggestions on where to look, I am all for it. 411 needs a new one too but fortunatly the boys are set. I LOVE older cousins!!

I have to share a MR story. Last night at 8:00 he tells me he wants to go lay down and wants me to come lay down with him. SO, sucker that I am, I say lets go. I get him all snuggled in and lay down next to him. He looks up at me with those big beautiful eyes and tells me "I love you too mommy, you'res me's favorite" Mely my heart. My kids have it down, when to pour on the charm. Just when I am ready to find a band of gypsy's, they do something like that. Ohh, and 411's big news: her tooth where they pulled 2 of them out (like 2 years ago)is finally starting to come in. She is way jazzed. Chick still hasn't lost all her baby teeth.

Mikey is planning a fish fry for the fourth of July. We don't have Easter plans, but he is already making lists for what he needs. Think he is a little excited?

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