Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I am a copycat!

I freely admit it. After looking at my niece and sister in laws blogs about their quirkyness, it made me think of my own lil idiosyncracies. So here is

my list of 5 Quirky things you may not know...

1. The toilet water has to be fresh. For anything I might do. I can not use a porta potty unless it is desperate, run down my legs extremeness.

2. Wet hair stuck in the drain will make me heave. Mikey thinks it is funny to pull it out and act like he is going to eat it. I have actually thrown up from this before. And the sad thing is 98% of the hair in that drain is mine.

3. I can't handle tearing lettuce, it is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Same with squeaking styrofoam, but that may be pretty common.

4. I hate things on my feet. Yeah, I know, everyone knows this, but it is kinda weird so I included it.

5. I still eagerly anticipate Christmas/my birthday/anniversary. After almost 10 years of marriage, I KNOW it is pointless but I still get all excited and think maybe this time he'll get it together. I get super excited to see how the kids react to their gifts that I have been known to maybe accidentlly wake them up and tell them Santa or the Easter bunny has been here.


Deanne said...

I just realized that these are all the things I love about you! (Except the toilet water and drain hair, didn't know about those!)
Love you just the way you are!!

Cindy said...

OOOOooooohhhhhh, I love the hair drain one, guess what I am bringing and dropping at your house in odd places when you aren't looking? HAHA. Clear toilet water, huh? Guess you don't use the blue stuff? Don't get the clorox tablets, it ate the inner workings in my toilet and Steve had to replace it all. HE was not happy with me. Guess I won't have Super clean toilet water.

Cindy said...

When is your anniversary, pray tell?

supermom said...

the hair in the drain, that is funny and the toilet water. crack me up girl.