Thursday, March 15, 2007

:P pppbbbbffffttttttttttt

I miss me. I miss the fun, pretty, energetic, enthusiastic, outgoing, quirky weirdo I once was. Granted that was over a decade ago but I still miss me once in awhile. Maybe it has something to do with waking to my three year old peeing on me, or a teething infant in residence, or a drama queen that has to argue every single little word with every breathe in her body. I am tired and grumpy and I just want to pause my life and have a day of pre child preportions. To sleep 9 hours straight, take a shower for as long as I want, not have to remove toys from the shower first, go out to eat somewhere without a drivethru and it not be an occasion, go shopping and not have to go anywhere near the toy aisle, to make dinner and not hear ' ewwwww I don't like that ' even though they have never had it before, to clean the house and have it stay that way, to do a load of laundry and be done not have 3 more waiting, to watch an R rated movie anytime I want, to be able to go visit a friend spur of the moment even if they are out of state, to not hear 'MOOOOOOOMMMMMM,s/he is doing this, tell her/him to stop doing that, they're in my room!!'. It is a visit day so I will get a couple hours but I will prolly just sleep those away :)

1 comment:

Deanne said...

There is something to be said for being able to sleep for 9 hours, being able to get up and go anytime you want and being able to watch anything other than Nikelodeon and the cartoon channels without world war III happening. :)
I do feel for you, not that it helps but I do feel for you!
Love ya.