Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Me beepy

Poor Bubba had to stay home today due to a migraine. Of course, after a nap and some motrin, he is wanting to play Socom. yeah, maybe when I am a bad mommy. Call me nutty but I don't think if you stay home for a headache you should play video games.

Mr has already worked out that he doesn't like getting up for school in the morning. I went to wake him up the other morning and he tells me, 'no mommy, me beepy, me no wanna go to school' of course, I had to giggle, just too cute. So now he's playing that card every morning. He doesn't have school the next 2 days because of pre-k/kindergarten round up so I told him to get up this morning and I would let him play hooky tommorrow. He didn't like it but he got up.

411 is too funny. She loves to dress up and do her nails and the whole makeup thing, then go out and roll in the mud. She is the girliest tomboy I have ever seen. She is getting another loose tooth and has to give me an hourly update. I know she is feeling left out and I need to work on finding something that is just for her.

Chick got her ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) results and I must say I am very proud of her. SHe did awesome, testing high school level or higher in everything EXCEPT the timed test. There is one math section that is timed and she always freaks out over that. That section she tested at 50% vs 95% + she got in all the other areas. I am not sure what it is about the timed test that makes her freak but I am pretty sure it is something she will have to work out on her own.

I am teaching myself to knit. I can get a row going, I figure that is a start. I found a really pretty pattern I wanna try so that is my goal. ya know, I just don't have enough hobbies. :) I found a picture of the afghan that I finished that my cousin liked so much.....

Remember a few posts ago I was saying that my picture folders were all messed up and I had to search for certain ones? Well, apparently the lil gremlin that mixed those all up has been at it again; I went to look up a recipe in my RECIPE FOLDER and they are all gone but one. I had 35+ recipes in there and they are all gone, I am soooooo irritated. So I am spending the rest of the morning trying to see if they were just moved or if they are indeed erased. arrrghghhghghgh

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