Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blast from the past

Thanks to, another friend from high school has gotten in contact with me. It was so cool to hear from her. Andi is an Archaeologist in New Mexico, another success story to make me feel like I haven't done anything. I know, I know, I am a MOM. That counts, it does. But when I hear about my friends becoming professionals, having their own businesses, getting masters, it makes me feel like I didn't do something right. I tried the college thing, decided to wait till I knew exactly what I wanted to go to school for. 15 years later, I am still waiting to figure it out. Not exactly my cup of tea. I love learning new things but I only want to know certain things. Like, why a car needs oil. I don't really care how the carburetor works or the blinker fluid levels (wink Karen) I just want to know what difference 10w-30 vs 10w-40 is and why one is different. I love reading for fun but don't want to do it when someone says I have to. I think I probably have ADD or something, sure would explain alot. It is kinda a day to day thing how I feel, I mean some days I am so jealous of someone who gets up, goes to office, dresses professionally, leaves the office and leaves the job there. But on the flip side, I get to see first steps, smiles, hugs, when one of my kids finally figures something they have been working on out. And if I wanna stay in my jammies till noon, I can.

Today is leaning towards a jealousy day because Mr is in destructive mode, Bubba can't get along with anyone,411&411JR are arguing about the color on a piece of paper and Tater refuses her nap. Yeah, I can see the wonderfulness in being a contributing member of society.

1 comment:

supermom said...

blinker fluid, huh????

how bout "naugahide" did ya here that one? if not, gotta ask uncle Kevin about that one, he'll fill you in.

professional life, huh? doesn't it stink that being a mom isn't considered a profession in the world that we live in, one of the most rewarding things in life, but in society, it is the $ that makes the difference. can never take away those hugs, kisses and snuggles. that is what matters in life, not all the other stuff.